
Monday, 29 July 2019

Anda mesti baru dengar Durian Tool Tha Wai

Anda mesti baru dengar Durian "Tool Tha Wai"?
Kalau kt Malaysia Musang King digelar raja kunyit. Manakala di Thailand "Tool Tha Wai" digelar sbgai raja durian Thai. Salah satu klon raja durian yg disembunyikan. Hingga hari ni saya tertanya tanya kacukan baka durian ni.. 🤔. Namun dirahsiakan..
Pengalaman tahun lepas merasai baka raja durian ni sangat berpuas hati dek kerana isinya yg tebal dn berlemak. Dapat 2biji dari seorang pengusaha kebun di Nonthaburi kebetulan jelajah cri benih ke sana. Hehe..
Komen saya rasanya lemak manis, isinya xmelekat di tangan, isi tebal xde rasa pahit. Buah besar berat kira2 cecah 4-6kg, ada sebesar Montong tp bentuk seakan labu emas aka golden pumpkin.
Overall, sangat sedap dan puas makan!
Memetik artikel dari
"Pi John told us this durian was a relatively new cultivar. It’s name refers to a type of bowl that is used as an offering plate in Thai temples or in the small spirit houses scattered around most Thai neighborhoods or properties. In this case, the durian actually was offered to the King of Thailand.
“No wonder they gave it to the King,” one person marveled. It was creamy, vanilla custard. The texture was thick and dense, but nearly fiberless, like a container of Coolwhip. The similarity was enhanced by the fact that Pi John had tucked it into the refrigerator to keep it for us, and it was cold."
-ini sekadar info yg dpt saya rungkai...☺️
Benih ada sampai dngn saya, RM55 sepokok..kalau nak klik je link kt bawah ni ya 👇
Saya akan respon secepat mungkin, TQ

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